Documenting Forced Displacement through Movement

In a world reeling from colonialism, environmental degradation, and political violence, many turn to transnational migration as a way to improve their quality of life. But, with little to no easy access to border mobility, tens of thousands of people die or go missing in search of opportunity. These individuals and their loved ones are left invisible in a world with authorities that are narrowly focused on combating “illegal” migration and smuggling.

This project is an embodiment of the unseen forces and effects at play during these grueling migration journeys. The participants represent both the opportunity for companionship but also unpredictability. The uncertain movements and small leaps of faith needed to bring the platform to rest reflect those that are made by migrants along their paths to new and improved futures. These movements are documents on the platform as an unspoken record of where their bodies once were. These people are not forgotten and will live on in the hearts of the world.

What would universal safe pathways to citizenship with equitable access to basic needs look like today? What would it take to risk your current circumstances in hopes of a better future?